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Comentarios: 57
  • #1

    Edwar Alejandro Suaza Ospina 11°1 (martes, 25 febrero 2014 18:57)

    This video of Snow White and the Huntsman seems very interesting as it tells the story of Snow White is a very beautiful young lady to whom the Queen was jealous ravena for being more beautiful than it also contains real characters so the film becomes more interesting

  • #2

    LUISA FERNANDA GARCÍA M 11°1 (martes, 25 febrero 2014 20:36)

    OMG!the movie is amazing,you story is very good.
    i like it so much the scenes when snow white escaped of the kingdom and ravena sends for that the seek, in this moment began a battle .

  • #3

    Leidy Patricia Gómez Marín 11°1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 15:11)

    teacher this video is very good and what I liked most was when snow white is seen for the first time with the Hunter.

  • #4

    Luisa Fernanda Cruz Castañeda 11°1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 15:17)

    teacher strategy that you are using is very bueno. lo that I like most is when snow white kills Rabena.

  • #5

    sebastian escobar 10-1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 15:29)

    i have liked the trailer for his big landscapes, but it was expecting to see more action.

  • #6

    daily velasquez 11*1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 15:52)

    the film is very good. is very good to see that nothing went as Ravena wanted, but that's what I liked most see the despair and failure of their actions

  • #7

    sandra vanesa villa 11*1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 17:22)

    Teacher good movie. I really liked that part where the queen looks in the mirror and realizes that is already very old and to continue to maintain that youth have to kill snow white.

  • #8

    santiago castañeda 10º1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 17:23)

    thriller is good and even more special effects highlighting showing, I think it should have less drama and more action.

  • #9

    Yesica Andrea Puerta Campo 11°1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 17:39)

    I loved the quality of the film, other than that it has very interesting parts when one of them leaves the milk ravvena I think is one of the most wonderful scenes.

  • #10

    walter esneider amaya cardona 11°1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 18:12)

    These video is very good, already that the movie transmit intrigue, emotion, and amaze. because always there is a purpose in every scene of white snow and the hunter, and the action that one sees is very entertaining for the one who sees her.

  • #11

    daniela mejia agudelo 11°1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 18:16)


  • #12

    Deicy daniela echavarria torres 11°1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 18:21)

    The movie me parecio very enterteining and exciting, because I make us great enseñansas:como that in our heart must not avoid rancor and the trailer to be a small sample of the fabulous one that is this movie and also that we must love our neighbors. LOVE THAT IT HIM GROWS!!!

  • #13

    mariana muñoz sepulveda 11-1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 18:37)

    I loved the effects of the movie are very good,
    the character I liked most was the queen I think is beautiful
    and with an impressive mystery.

  • #14

    daniela berrio arenas:10·1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 19:13)

    I likwd this video trailer because in this video trailer I coul watch and how those people speak english, how they pronounce it and I coul see diffevent accents and that was the part that I really liked.

  • #15

    Angie paola caro 11°1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 19:20)

    Snow White is a very good and interesting film. I love it because tells another story of Snow White, different from the traditional. It really is very good!

  • #16

    Cristel Melisa Aranda Cuadros 10°1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 20:02)

    It seemed to me to be very good and interesting, the drama that was containing some battles that were appearing and the fantastic echos like it they are the witch and everything. In end I like me.

  • #17

    Miguel Angel Gómez Flórez 10°1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 20:03)

    I like me the advance of the movie, one sees interesting and emotive.

  • #18

    Ana Maria Garcia Marulanda 11-1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 20:30)

    This video I LIKE it because IT'S counting story of an bad queen and an beautiful princess She is captured for the army of the queen ,and the best part for me is when the princess go out of the kingdom is very fantastic.

  • #19

    Juan David Hincapié 11.1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 20:40)

    Watching the trailer, I can imagine the movie, it looks good too.
    Too bad I can not see it in cinema, I would have loved.
    I believe that these new versions are seeking to mature to the works of the Brothers Grimm to take them to a more adult audience. What I think is great.

    As Michael Jackson said


  • #20

    Karen Andrea Urrego 11-1 (miércoles, 26 febrero 2014 21:26)

    I love movies so much white snow reminds me of my childhood.
    When it was used to halloween girl dress in white snow
    very good I liked the movie.

  • #21

    Carolina Gonzalez Zapata 10-1 (jueves, 27 febrero 2014 10:57)

    I think this video is great, interesting and motivating.

  • #22

    marisela usuga campo 11*1 (jueves, 27 febrero 2014 13:54)

    the trailer for this film, leading to a magical story where you can see a wonderful desenlase .... I really liked

  • #23

    leidy yohana vanegas betancur 11*1 (jueves, 27 febrero 2014 13:57)

    the film is interesting because we can see in every scene creactividad evidence of producers and actors.

  • #24

    juan david cartagena 10*1 (jueves, 27 febrero 2014 15:13)

    The triler as the film are very bad,nothing of the another world

  • #25

    Daniela Gomez Alvarez 11°1 (jueves, 27 febrero 2014 18:53)

    The movie is very good, because it is different from the traditional and has very interesting and creative scenes

  • #26

    ximena bedoya londoño 10-1 (jueves, 27 febrero 2014 21:12)

    ximena bedoya londoño-10-1 (lunes, 24 febrero 2014 18:48)

    hello teacher the truth very good video I liked and also way too one learns there is a war between them never ending and that makes the best video I keep watching this kind of video

  • #27

    Maria Elena Florez Castillo 11º1 (viernes, 28 febrero 2014 19:59)

    Hello andrew the movie has some scenes of adrenaline and it is good educar the ear.

  • #28

    Ronald Quiñones 10*3 (sábado, 01 marzo 2014 11:32)

    the film is interesting because it has a lot of drama, and is entertaining in all aspects, you can see in the trailer that Snow White is a very beautiful young woman ...

  • #29

    Daniel Felipe Espitia Durango (sábado, 01 marzo 2014 13:55)

    This is a video in which much emotion is transmitted by the way in which history, where Ravenna throughout history seeks to kill and destroy Snow White's life is told, but this fails.

  • #30

    Juan pablo Torres 10°3 (sábado, 01 marzo 2014 15:07)

    The video shows that it is a very good and interesting film, as a story of drama and envy is told.

  • #31

    santiago alvaran 10-1 (domingo, 02 marzo 2014 17:57)

    the story was good a little scary and dark but has the rrealidad up where people can come siertas envy :C

  • #32

    Jorge Luis Polo Gaviria 10*1 (lunes, 03 marzo 2014 14:33)

    hello teacher the truth very good video
    I liked the trailer for his adrenaline
    learner's,I think it's however that was the part the drama that was contained in some battles one sees boring, the story was good ;are seeking to mature to the works of the Brothers Grimm to take them to a more adult audience. What I think is great.

  • #33

    valeria gaviria 10°1 (lunes, 03 marzo 2014 14:57)

    I liked the trailer is entertaining q I would like to show us the whole movie :)

  • #34

    Jirlenys caicedo 10°1 (lunes, 03 marzo 2014 16:40)

    I liked it because it is horror and action, but in turn has some very fictional scenes, although that is that the story is about. In the end it was very interesting

  • #35

    katerine florez 10°1 (lunes, 03 marzo 2014 17:12)

    I think the trailer is a good piece of history of Snow White and the Huntsman. and I liked the movie quite.

  • #36

    Yenni Carolina 10°1 (lunes, 03 marzo 2014 17:56)

    Me Mucho Gusto The Traile, Why Has Much Action & Terros & A The Last Party Is Over is interesting, Me Gusta Mucho

  • #37

    sandy camila bravo 10-1 (lunes, 03 marzo 2014 18:08)

    the trailer seems very good, grabs you from the start and want to continue watching it nonstop, I would like that in class we saw the complete film, as this is a very webber and chevere history.

  • #38

    liz dallana giraldo 10º1 (lunes, 03 marzo 2014 18:25)

    I think that it should have less drama and mas action.
    But this one good

  • #39

    Isabella giraldo 10-1 (lunes, 03 marzo 2014 19:21)

    the movie is very good. they changed a bit the end, so I liked was very good ..

  • #40

    SEBASTIAN ZAPATA 11.2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014)


  • #41

    carmen montoya 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:43)

    The film is very good. I liked that there was much drama

  • #42

    Paulina 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:54)

    Teacher fascinates me your site is really cool <3 the trailer is super also is an excellent movie with a good cast, kristen stewart equally megusta much and his movies i love snow white

  • #43

    Verónica Restrepo 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:57)

    The trailer is very good, I liked the film is very interesting.
    The cast I love the effort they made to record the movie shows; chapter that I like is disclosed when starting a battle that is when everything becomes more interesting!

  • #44

    Yohan Benitez 11.2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 09:58)

    the movie, the plot, the characters is very well done, has good effects and that one entertains

  • #45

    Ferney Mendivelso 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:18)

    I found very interesting because it reminds me of my childhood

  • #46

    Alejandra Londoño Echeverri 11.2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:20)

    the site is very good for providing information English content and interpretation and is escensial for education and has tendencies that guide us

  • #47

    Maria Fernanda Vasquez 11°2 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 10:21)

    I found it very interesting as it has a bit of drama and fiction

  • #48

    camila hincapie (martes, 04 marzo 2014 11:52)

    i very much useful and necessary for the group and helps us to leam more

  • #49

    didier lemus 10-1 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 12:47)

    I found very interesting and intriguing

  • #50

    leidy guzman 10 1 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 12:51)

    súper good, I would like to meet me movie

  • #51

    yarisel florez 10°1 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 12:54)

    the video is very good. Famous People and Their But was expecting a little more action and excitement to the Show Time.

  • #52

    andres barrera (martes, 04 marzo 2014 14:51)

    teacher the movie is very good.My favorite chapter is revealed when a battle starts is when everything becomes more interesting!

  • #53

    Jennyfer Garcia Rangel 11-1 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 15:19)

    What I liked most of the movie was when Queen Ravenna Account That They Gave It was not La Mas Bella.

  • #54

    Brallan daniel barrientos arango 10*1 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 19:14)

    video I found very good addition is a short summary

  • #55

    Jessica Correa Munera 10*1 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 19:16)

    the video is very interesting a good summary

  • #56

    Duban Alexis Villa Castrillòn 11º1 (martes, 04 marzo 2014 20:19)

    Hello andres, the video counts the history of a witch who looks for the eternal beauty and one day realizes that she is not the beautiful mas, and that in addition there is another woman mas beautiful and decides to catch her but in the whole movie not to achieve it.

    That she does not achieve is what Does such an interesting and dramatic

    This Brilliant movie:*

  • #57

    yency natalia bustamante cortes 11°1 (miércoles, 05 marzo 2014 05:55)

    The video is very good, interesting and entertaining.